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that was during the war

  • 1 war

    war [wɔ:(r)] (pt & pp warred, cont warring)
    1 noun
    (a) (armed conflict) guerre f;
    to be at war/to go to war with sb être en guerre/entrer en guerre avec qn;
    Japan was at war with Russia le Japon était en guerre avec la Russie;
    Israel went to war with Syria over border disagreements Israël est entré en guerre avec ou contre la Syrie pour des problèmes territoriaux;
    the Allies waged war against or on the Axis les Alliés ont fait la guerre aux puissances de l'Axe;
    he fought in the war il a fait la guerre;
    the troops went off to war les troupes sont parties pour ou sont allées à la guerre;
    familiar humorous you've been through the wars! on dirait que tu reviens de la guerre!, tu t'es bien arrangé!;
    familiar humorous that carpet (looks like it) has been through the wars! cette moquette est dans un état lamentable!;
    to have a good war (soldier) être vaillant au combat;
    the war to end all wars la der des der;
    literary to let loose the dogs of war déchaîner les fureurs de la guerre;
    war of attrition guerre f d'usure;
    war of nerves guerre f des nerfs;
    the American War of Independence la guerre d'Indépendance américaine;
    the War between the States, the War of Secession la guerre de Sécession;
    the Wars of the Roses la guerre des Deux-Roses
    (b) (conflict, struggle) guerre f, lutte f;
    to declare or to wage war on sth partir en guerre contre ou déclarer la guerre à qch;
    a war of nerves/words une guerre des nerfs/des mots;
    the war against crime/drugs la lutte contre le crime/la drogue
    (diary, hero, pension) de guerre;
    during the war years pendant la guerre;
    the war effort l'effort m de guerre
    faire la guerre;
    to war with sb faire la guerre à qn
    ►► war baby = enfant né pendant la guerre;
    war bond titre m d'emprunt de guerre (émis pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale);
    war bride mariée f de la guerre;
    war cabinet cabinet m de guerre;
    war cemetery cimetière m militaire;
    war chest caisse f spéciale (affectée à une guerre); figurative caisse f spéciale (d'un parti politique, d'hommes d'affaires etc);
    war clouds nuages mpl ou signes mpl précurseurs de guerre;
    the war clouds are gathering la guerre menace;
    war correspondent correspondant(e) m,f de guerre;
    war crime crime m de guerre;
    war criminal criminel(elle) m,f de guerre; also figurative war cry cri m de guerre;
    war dance danse f de guerre ou guerrière;
    war film film m de guerre;
    war game Military (simulated battle with maps) kriegspiel m, wargame m; (manoeuvres) manœuvres fpl militaires; (game) wargame m;
    war grave = tombeau d'un soldat tombé au champ d'honneur;
    British war loan titre m d'emprunt de guerre;
    war machine machine f de guerre;
    war memorial monument m aux morts;
    war museum musée m de la guerre;
    the War Office = ancien nom du ministère de la Défense britannique;
    war record passé m militaire;
    he has a good war record il s'est conduit honorablement pendant la guerre;
    what's his war record? qu'est-ce qu'il a fait pendant la guerre?;
    war risk (in insurance) risques mpl de guerre;
    war victims victimes fpl de guerre;
    war widow veuve f de guerre;
    a war widow's pension une pension de veuve de guerre;
    war wound blessure f de guerre;
    war zone zone f de guerre
    ✾ Book 'War and Peace' Tolstoy 'Guerre et paix'
    ✾ Book 'The War of the Worlds' Wells 'La Guerre des mondes'
    THE WARS OF THE ROSES Au XVème siècle, ces guerres opposèrent les deux familles pouvant prétendre au trône d'Angleterre: la maison d'York, dont l'emblème était une rose blanche, et la maison de Lancastre, représentée par une rose rouge. La "guerre des Deux-Roses" prit fin en 1485 avec la victoire d'un Lancastre, qui devint Henri VII et réconcilia les deux familles en épousant Élisabeth d'York.
    THE WAR OF THE WORLDS Cette pièce radiophonique, adaptée du roman de H.G. Wells et mise en scène par Orson Welles, fut diffusée le 30 octobre 1938 par une radio new-yorkaise à l'occasion de Halloween. La description très réaliste de l'arrivée sur Terre de martiens fut prise au sérieux par les auditeurs, ce qui provoqua une panique générale: désertion des villes, embouteillages monstres mais aussi crises d'hystérie, crises cardiaques et suicides.

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > war

  • 2 that

    1. adjective,
    pl. those
    1) dieser/diese/dieses
    2) (expr. strong feeling) der/die/das

    never will I forget that dayden Tag werde ich nie vergessen

    3) (coupled or contrasted with ‘this’) der/die/das [da]
    2. pronoun,
    pl. those
    1) der/die/das

    who is that in the garden? — wer ist das [da] im Garten?

    what bird is that?was für ein Vogel ist das?

    and [all] that — und so weiter

    like that(of the kind or in the way mentioned, of that character) so

    [just] like that — (without effort, thought) einfach so

    don't talk like that — hör auf, so zu reden

    he is like thatso ist er eben

    that is [to say] — (introducing explanation) das heißt; (introducing reservation) das heißt; genauer gesagt

    if they'd have me, that is — das heißt, wenn sie mich nehmen

    that's more like it(of suggestion, news) das hört sich schon besser an; (of action, work) das sieht schon besser aus

    that's right!(expr. approval) gut od. recht so; (iron.) nur so weiter!; (coll.): (expr. assent) jawohl

    that's a good etc. boy/girl — das ist lieb [von dir, mein Junge/Mädchen]; (with request) sei so lieb usw.

    somebody/something is not as... as all that — (coll.) so... ist jemand/etwas nun auch wieder nicht

    [so] that's that — (it's finished) so, das wär's; (it's settled) so ist es nun mal

    you are not going to the party, and that's that! — du gehst nicht zu der Party, und damit Schluss!

    2) (Brit.): (person spoken to)

    who is that? — wer ist da?; (behind wall etc.) wer ist denn da?; (on telephone) wer ist am Apparat?

    3. relative pronoun, pl. same

    the people that you got it fromdie Leute, von denen du es bekommen hast

    the box that you put the apples in — die Kiste, in die du die Äpfel getan hast

    is he the man that you saw last night? — ist das der Mann, den Sie gestern Abend gesehen haben?

    everyone that I know — jeder, den ich kenne

    this is all [the money] that I have — das ist alles [Geld], was ich habe

    4. adverb
    (coll.) so

    he may be daft, but he's not [all] that daft — er mag ja blöd sein, aber so blöd [ist er] auch wieder nicht

    5. relative adverb

    at the speed that he was going — bei der Geschwindigkeit, die er hatte

    the day that I first met her — der Tag, an dem ich sie zum ersten Mal sah

    6. conjunction
    1) (introducing statement; expr. result, reason or cause) dass
    2) (expr. purpose)

    [in order] that — damit

    * * *
    1. [ðæt] plural - those; adjective
    (used to indicate a person, thing etc spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: Don't take this book - take that one; At that time, I was living in Italy; When are you going to return those books?) jene/-r/-s
    2. pronoun
    (used to indicate a thing etc, or (in plural or with the verb be) person or people, spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: What is that you've got in your hand?; Who is that?; That is the Prime Minister; Those present at the concert included the composer and his wife.) der/die/das
    3. [ðət, ðæt] relative pronoun
    (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned in a preceding clause in order to distinguish it from others: Where is the parcel that arrived this morning?; Who is the man( that) you were talking to?) der/die/das
    4. [ðət, ðæt] conjunction
    1) ((often omitted) used to report what has been said etc or to introduce other clauses giving facts, reasons, results etc: I know (that) you didn't do it; I was surprised( that) he had gone.) daß
    2) (used to introduce expressions of sorrow, wishes etc: That I should be accused of murder!; Oh, that I were with her now!) daß(doch)
    5. adverb
    (so; to such an extent: I didn't realize she was that ill.) so
    - academic.ru/117188/like_that">like that
    - that's that
    * * *
    1. (person, thing specified) der/die/das
    put \that box down before you drop it stell die Kiste ab, bevor du sie [womöglich] noch fallen lässt
    who is \that girl? wer ist das Mädchen?
    what was \that noise? was war das für ein Geräusch?
    \that old liar! dieser alte Lügner!
    \that... of hers/theirs ihr(e)...
    I've never liked \that uncle of hers ich habe ihren Onkel noch nie gemocht
    \that... of mine/his mein(e)/dein(e)...
    2. (person, thing farther away) der/die/das [... dort [o da]], jene(r, s) geh
    do you know \that girl [over there] kennst du das Mädchen [dort]
    give me \that book, not this one gib mir das Buch [da], nicht dieses
    1. dem (person, thing, action specified) das
    \that's not rightthree times five is fifteen das stimmt nicht — drei mal fünf ist fünfzehn
    they all think \that das denken alle
    \that's more like it! das ist doch schon gleich viel besser!
    \that's a good idea das ist eine gute Idee
    \that's a pity das ist aber schade
    \that's terrible das ist ja furchtbar
    \that will do, \that's enough das reicht
    what's \that you said? was hast du gesagt?
    who's \that? is \that the girl you're looking for? wer ist das? ist das das Mädchen, das du suchst?
    who's \that on the phone? wer spricht da?
    hello, is \that Ben? hallo, bist du das, Ben?
    is \that you making all the noise, John? bist du das, der so einen Lärm macht, John?
    it's just a gimmick — \that said, I'd love to do it das ist nur ein Trick — dennoch würde ich es gerne machen
    take \that! (when hitting sb) [das ist] für dich!
    \that's why deshalb
    2. dem (person, thing farther away) das [da [o dort]]
    I don't want this, give me \that dies hier will ich nicht, gib mir das [da]
    \that's his wife over there das da [o dort] drüben ist seine Frau
    3. dem (indicating time) das
    ah, 1985, \that was a good year ah, 1985, das war ein gutes Jahr
    \that was yesterday \that we talked on the phone, not last week wir haben gestern, nicht letzte Woche telefoniert
    4. dem, after prep
    after/before \that danach/davor
    by \that damit
    what do you mean by \that? was soll das heißen?
    like \that (in such a way) so; (of such a kind) derartig; ( fam: effortlessly) einfach so
    if you hold it like \that, it will break wenn du das so hältst, geht es kaputt
    we need more people like \that wir brauchen mehr solche Leute
    don't talk like \that sprich nicht so
    he can't just leave like \that er kann nicht einfach so verschwinden
    over/under \that darüber/darunter
    with \that damit
    [and] with \that he hung up [und] damit legte er auf
    “I still think you're wrong” he said and with \that he drove off „ich denke immer noch, dass du Unrecht hast“ sagte er und fuhr davon
    5. dem ( form: the one) der/die/das
    his appearance was \that of an undergrown man er sah aus, als ob er zu klein gewachsen wäre
    his handwriting is \that of a child seine Handschrift ist die eines Kindes
    we are often afraid of \that which we cannot understand wir fürchten uns oft vor dem, was wir nicht verstehen
    are you relieved? — [oh yes,]I am \that bist du erleichtert? — das kannst du [aber] laut sagen fam
    well, \that's it, we've finished o.k., das war's [o wär's], wir sind fertig
    \that's it! I'm not putting up with any more of her rudeness jetzt reicht's! ich lasse mir ihre Unverschämtheiten nicht mehr gefallen
    she left the room and \that was \that, I never saw her again sie verließ den Raum und das war's, ich habe sie nie wiedergesehen
    I won't agree to it and \that's \that ich stimme dem nicht zu, und damit Schluss
    \that'll [or \that should] do, \that should be enough das wird reichen
    no thanks, \that'll do [or \that's everything] nein danke, das ist alles
    8. rel (which, who) der/die/das
    \that's the car [\that] John wants to buy das ist das Auto, das John kaufen möchte
    I can't find the books [\that] I got from the library ich finde die Bücher nicht, die ich mir aus der Bibliothek ausgeliehen habe
    the baby smiles at anyone \that smiles at her das Baby lächelt alle an, die es anlächeln
    simpleton \that he is... als Einfaltspinsel, der er ist,...
    9. rel (when) als
    the year \that Anna was born das Jahr, in dem Anna geboren wurde
    and [all] \that ( fam) und so weiter
    at \that noch dazu
    she was a thief and a clever one at \that sie war eine Diebin, und eine kluge noch dazu
    \that is [to say] das heißt
    the hotel is closed during low seasons, \that is from October to March das Hotel ist in der Nebensaison, sprich von Oktober bis März, geschlossen
    this and \that dies und das
    \that was ( form)
    General Dunstaple married Miss Hughes \that was General Dunstaple heiratete die frühere Miss Hughes
    1. (as subject/object) dass
    \that such a thing could happen gave me new hope dass so etwas passieren konnte gab mir neue Hoffnung
    I knew [\that] he'd never get here on time ich wusste, dass er niemals rechtzeitig hier sein würde
    the fact is [\that] we... Fakt ist, dass wir...
    2. after adj, vb (as a result)
    it was so dark [\that] I couldn't see anything es war so dunkel, dass ich nichts sehen konnte
    so [or in order] \that damit
    let's go over the rules again in order \that... gehen wir die Regeln nochmal[s] durch, damit...
    4. after adj (in apposition to ‘it’)
    it's possible [\that] there'll be a vacancy es ist möglich, dass eine Stelle frei wird
    is it true [\that] she's gone back to teaching? stimmt es, dass sie wieder als Lehrerin arbeitet?
    considering [\that]... wenn man bedenkt, dass...
    given \that... vorausgesetzt, dass...
    supposing [\that]... angenommen, dass...
    6. (as a reason) weil, da [ja]
    it's rather \that I'm not well today es ist eher deshalb, weil ich mich heute nicht wohl fühle
    I'd like to go, it's just \that I don't have any time ich würde ja gern hingehen, ich hab' bloß [einfach] keine Zeit fam
    now \that we've bought a house... jetzt, wo wir ein Haus gekauft haben..
    we can't increase our production quantities in \that the machines are presently working to full capacity wir können die Produktion nicht hochfahren, da [nämlich] die Maschinen derzeit voll ausgelastet sind
    not \that it's actually my business, but... nicht, dass es mich etwas anginge, aber...
    except [\that] außer, dass
    his plan sounds perfect except [\that] I don't want to be involved in such a scheme sein Plan hört sich großartig an, nur will ich mit so einem Vorhaben nichts zu tun haben
    to the extent \that (so much that) dermaßen... dass; (insofar as) insofern als
    the situation has worsened to the extend \that we are calling in an independent expert die Situation hat sich dermaßen verschlimmert, dass wir einen unabhängigen Fachmann hinzuziehen
    apes are like people to the extent \that they have some human characteristics Affen sind wie Menschen, insofern als sie gewisse menschliche Eigenschaften haben
    oh \that I were young again! wäre ich doch nochmal jung!
    oh \that they would listen! wenn sie [doch] nur zuhören würden!
    inv so
    she's too young to walk \that far sie ist zu jung, um so weit laufen zu können
    it wasn't [all] \that good so gut war es [nun] auch wieder nicht
    his words hurt me \that much I cried seine Worte haben mich so verletzt, dass ich weinte
    * * *
    I [ðt] (weak form) [ðət]
    1. dem pron pl those
    1) das

    that is Joe ( over there) —

    who is that speaking? — wer spricht (denn) da?; (on phone)

    if she's as unhappy/stupid etc as (all) that — wenn sie so or derart unglücklich/dumm etc ist

    I didn't think she'd get/be as angry as that — ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass sie sich so ärgern würde

    ... and all that —... und so (inf)

    like that — so

    with luck/talent like that... — bei solchem or so einem (inf) Glück/Talent...

    that's got that/him out of the way — so, das wäre geschafft/den wären wir los

    that's what I'm here fordafür bin ich ja hier, das ist meine Aufgabe

    oh well, that's that —

    there, that's that — so, das wärs

    you can't go and that's that — du darfst nicht gehen, und damit hat sichs or und damit basta (inf)

    well, that's that then — das wärs dann also

    will he come? – that he will (dial) — kommt er? – (der?) bestimmt


    (after prep) after/before/below/over that — danach/davor/darunter/darüber

    and... at that — und dabei...

    you can get it in any supermarket and quite cheaply at thatman kann es in jedem Supermarkt, und zwar ganz billig, bekommen

    what do you mean by that? (not understanding) — was wollen Sie damit sagen?; (amazed, annoyed) was soll (denn) das heißen?

    if things have or if it has come to that —

    with that she got up and left/burst into tears — damit stand sie auf und ging/brach sie in Tränen aus

    3) (opposed to "this" and "these") das (da), jenes (old, geh)

    that's the one I like, not this one — das (dort) mag ich, nicht dies (hier)


    (followed by rel pron) this theory is different from that which... — diese Theorie unterscheidet sich von derjenigen, die...

    that which we call... — das, was wir... nennen

    2. dem adj pl those
    1) der/die/das, jene(r, s)

    that child/dog! — dieses Kind/dieser Hund!

    2) (in opposition to this) der/die/das

    I'd like that one, not this one — ich möchte das da, nicht dies hier


    (with poss) that dog of yours! — Ihr Hund, dieser Hund von Ihnen

    what about that plan of yours now? — wie steht es denn jetzt mit Ihrem Plan?, was ist denn nun mit Ihrem Plan?

    3. dem adv (inf)

    it's not that good/cold etc —

    it's not that good a filmSO ein guter Film ist es nun auch wieder nicht

    rel pron
    1) der/die/das, die

    all/nothing/everything etc that... — alles/nichts/alles etc, was...

    the best/cheapest etc that... — das Beste/Billigste etc, das or was...

    the girl that I told you about — das Mädchen, von dem ich Ihnen erzählt habe

    no-one has come that I know of — meines Wissens or soviel ich weiß, ist niemand gekommen


    (with expressions of time) the minute that he came the phone rang — genau in dem Augenblick, als er kam, klingelte das Telefon

    the day that we spent on the beach was one of the hottest — der Tag, den wir am Strand verbrachten, war einer der heißesten

    the day that... — an dem Tag, als...

    1) dass

    he said that it was wrong — er sagte, es sei or wäre (inf) falsch, er sagte, dass es falsch sei or wäre

    not that I want to do it — nicht (etwa), dass ich das tun wollte


    (in exclamations) that things or it should come to this! —

    3) (obs, liter: in order that) auf dass (old)
    * * *
    that1 [ðæt]
    A pron & adj (hinweisend) pl those [ðəʊz]
    1. (ohne pl) das:
    that is true das stimmt;
    that’s all das ist alles;
    that’s it!
    a) so ists recht!,
    b) das ist es ja (gerade)!;
    that’s what it is das ist es ja gerade;
    that’s that umg das wäre erledigt, damit basta;
    well, that was that! umg aus der Traum!;
    that is (to say) das heißt;
    and that und zwar;
    a) trotzdem,
    b) zudem, (noch) obendrein;
    for all that trotz alledem;
    that’s what he told me so hat er es mir erzählt;
    that’s a good boy sei schön brav!; leave1 A 2
    2. (besonders von weiter entfernten Personen etc sowie zur Betonung und pej) jener, jene, jenes:
    this cake is much better than that (one) dieser Kuchen ist viel besser als jener;
    that car over there das Auto da drüben;
    look at that hat schau dir mal diesen komischen Hut an!;
    those who diejenigen, welche;
    that which das, was;
    those were his words das waren seine Worte
    3. solch(er, e, es):
    to that degree that … in solchem Ausmaße oder so sehr, dass …
    B adv umg so (sehr), dermaßen:
    that far so weit;
    that furious so oder dermaßen wütend;
    not all that good so gut auch wieder nicht;
    he can’t be that ill so krank kann er gar nicht sein;
    that much so viel;
    it’s that simple so einfach ist das
    that2 [ðət; ðæt] pl that rel pr
    1. ( in einschränkenden Sätzen; eine präp darf nie davor stehen) der, die, das, welch(er, e, es):
    the book that he wanted das Buch, das er wünschte;
    the man that I spoke of der Mann, von dem ich sprach;
    the day that I met her der Tag, an dem ich sie traf;
    any house that jedes Haus, das;
    no one that keiner, der;
    Mrs Jones, Miss Black that was umg Frau Jones, geborene Black;
    Mrs Quilp that is umg die jetzige Frau Quilp
    2. ( nach all, everything, nothing etc) was:
    all that alles, was;
    the best that das Beste, was
    that3 [ðət; ðæt] konj
    it is a pity that he is not here es ist schade, dass er nicht hier ist;
    it is 5 years that he went away es ist nun 5 Jahre her, dass oder seitdem er fortging;
    I am not sure that it will be there ich bin nicht sicher, ob oder dass es dort ist oder sein wird
    so that sodass;
    I was so tired that I went to bed ich war so müde, dass ich zu Bett ging
    3. (in Finalsätzen) damit, dass:
    we went there that we might see it wir gingen hin, um es zu sehen
    4. (in Kausalsätzen) weil, da (ja), dass:
    not that I have any objection nicht, dass ich etwas dagegen hätte;
    it is rather that … es ist eher deshalb, weil …;
    a) darum, weil,
    b) insofern, als
    o that I could believe it! dass ich es doch glauben könnte!
    now that jetzt, da;
    at the time that I was born zu der Zeit, als ich geboren wurde
    * * *
    1. adjective,
    pl. those
    1) dieser/diese/dieses
    2) (expr. strong feeling) der/die/das
    3) (coupled or contrasted with ‘this’) der/die/das [da]
    2. pronoun,
    pl. those
    1) der/die/das

    who is that in the garden? — wer ist das [da] im Garten?

    and [all] that — und so weiter

    like that(of the kind or in the way mentioned, of that character) so

    [just] like that — (without effort, thought) einfach so

    don't talk like that — hör auf, so zu reden

    that is [to say] — (introducing explanation) das heißt; (introducing reservation) das heißt; genauer gesagt

    if they'd have me, that is — das heißt, wenn sie mich nehmen

    that's more like it(of suggestion, news) das hört sich schon besser an; (of action, work) das sieht schon besser aus

    that's right!(expr. approval) gut od. recht so; (iron.) nur so weiter!; (coll.): (expr. assent) jawohl

    that's a good etc. boy/girl — das ist lieb [von dir, mein Junge/Mädchen]; (with request) sei so lieb usw.

    somebody/something is not as... as all that — (coll.) so... ist jemand/etwas nun auch wieder nicht

    [so] that's that — (it's finished) so, das wär's; (it's settled) so ist es nun mal

    you are not going to the party, and that's that! — du gehst nicht zu der Party, und damit Schluss!

    2) (Brit.): (person spoken to)

    who is that? — wer ist da?; (behind wall etc.) wer ist denn da?; (on telephone) wer ist am Apparat?

    3. relative pronoun, pl. same

    the people that you got it from — die Leute, von denen du es bekommen hast

    the box that you put the apples in — die Kiste, in die du die Äpfel getan hast

    is he the man that you saw last night? — ist das der Mann, den Sie gestern Abend gesehen haben?

    everyone that I know — jeder, den ich kenne

    this is all [the money] that I have — das ist alles [Geld], was ich habe

    4. adverb
    (coll.) so

    he may be daft, but he's not [all] that daft — er mag ja blöd sein, aber so blöd [ist er] auch wieder nicht

    5. relative adverb

    at the speed that he was going — bei der Geschwindigkeit, die er hatte

    the day that I first met her — der Tag, an dem ich sie zum ersten Mal sah

    6. conjunction
    1) (introducing statement; expr. result, reason or cause) dass
    2) (expr. purpose)

    [in order] that — damit

    * * *
    dasjenig pron.
    dies adj. conj.
    dass konj. pron.
    das pron.
    derjenig pron.
    diejenig pron.
    dies pron.
    welch pron.
    welcher pron.
    welches pron.

    English-german dictionary > that

  • 3 was

    I Interrog. Pron. what (auch umg. für wie bitte?); was für ( ein) ...? what sort of...?; was für Länder kennst du schon? which countries have you already been to?; was für eine Farbe hat...? what colo(u)r is...?; was ist sein Vater? what does his father do?; was willst du werden? what do you want to be?; was willst du überhaupt? what do you actually want?; was kostet das? how much is it?, what ( oder how much) does it cost?; was haben Sie an Wein etc.? what have you got in the way of wine etc.?; was ist denn? umg. what’s the matter?, what’s wrong?; was noch? what else?; was dann? and then what?; um was handelt es sich? umg. what’s it (all) about?; auf was wartest du? umg. what are you waiting for?; an was denkst du? umg. what are you thinking about?; was (warum) muss er lügen? umg. why does he have to lie?; was weiß ich! umg. how should I know?, search me; und was nicht alles umg. and all that; das tut weh, was? umg. it hurts, doesn’t it?; es zählt das Was, nicht das Wie it doesn’t matter how you do it, just get it done; machen I, nun I 1, sollen2 2 etc.
    II Interj.: was, du rauchst nicht mehr? umg. what, you don’t smoke any more?; was für ein Unsinn / Krach etc.! what nonsense etc. / what a noise etc.; was für ein Wetter! what weather!; was haben wir gelacht! umg. what a laugh we had; was ist das doch schwierig this is so hard; ach I 5
    III Rel. Pron. (das was) what; (welches) that, which; den Inhalt des vorhergehenden Satzes aufnehmend: which; das war alles, was er mir erzählte that was all (that) he told me; alles, was er weiß everything (that) he knows; ..., was ihn völlig kalt ließ... which left him cold; was auch immer whatever (auch am Satzende), no matter what; was ihn betrifft as for him, as far as he’s concerned; was ich noch sagen wollte... the other thing I wanted to say...
    IV unbest. Pron. umg. (etwas) something; ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst I spy with my little eye; weißt du schon was? have you heard anything?; ist was? what’s up?, is anything the matter?; was Schlechtes / Gutes / noch etc. something bad / good / else etc.; was Neues? any news?, anything new?; das ist was anderes that’s different; und nun zu ganz was anderem! and now for something completely different!; eine Palme oder so was ( Ähnliches) a palm tree or something like that ( oder something similar); na, so was! bes. iro. well I never!; was du nicht sagst! you don’t say!; hat man so was schon gesehen? have you ever seen anything like it?; so was von blöd! stupid or what?, how stupid can you get?; das war vielleicht was! that was really something!; da war doch was there was something there; ich will dir mal was sagen I’ll tell you something; bes. drohend: I’ll tell you what; schäm dich was! you ought to be ashamed of yourself; siehe auch so I 7, wissen
    * * *
    whatsoever (Pron.); whatever (Pron.); what (Pron.)
    * * *
    wạs [vas]
    1. interrog pron
    1) what; (= wie viel) how much, what

    was kostet das? — how much is that?, what does or how much does that cost?

    was ist or gibts? — what is it?, what's up?

    was ist, kommst du mit? — well, are you coming?

    sie kommt nicht – was? — she's not coming – what?

    was hast du denn?, was ist denn los? — what's the matter (with you)?, what's wrong?

    was denn? (ungehalten) — what (is it)?; (um Vorschlag bittend) but what?

    was denn, bist du schon fertig? — what, are you finished already?

    das ist gut, was? (inf) — that's good, isn't it?

    2) (inf = warum) why, what... for

    was lachst du denn so? — what are you laughing for?, why are you laughing?


    was für... — what sort or kind of...

    2. rel pron
    (auf ganzen Satz bezogen) which

    das, was... — that which..., what...

    ich weiß, was ich/er tun soll — I know what I should do or what to do/what he should do

    das ist etwas, was ich nicht verstehe — that is something (which) I don't understand

    alles, was... — everything or all (that)...

    das Beste/Schönste/wenige/Einzige, was ich... — the best/prettiest/little/only thing (that) I...

    schreib/iss etc was du kannst (inf) — write/eat etc what you can

    lauf, was du kannst! (inf)run as fast as you can!

    3. indef pron (inf) abbr
    something; (fragend, bedingend auch, verneint) anything; (unbestimmter Teil einer Menge) some, any

    (na,) so was! — well I never!

    → auch etwas, sehen
    * * *
    1) (used in questions etc when asking someone to point out, state etc one or more persons, things etc: What street is this?; What's your name/address / telephone number?; What time is it?; What (kind of) bird is that?; What is he reading?; What did you say?; What is this cake made of?; `What do you want to be when you grow up?' `A doctor.'; Tell me what you mean; I asked him what clothes I should wear.) what
    2) (( also adverb) used in exclamations of surprise, anger etc: What clothes she wears!; What a fool he is!; What naughty children they are!; What a silly book this is!) what
    3) (the thing(s) that: Did you find what you wanted?; These tools are just what I need for this job; What that child needs is a good spanking!) what
    4) (( also relative adjective) any (things or amount) that; whatever: I'll lend you what clothes you need; Please lend me what you can.) what
    5) ((also what ever) used in questions or exclamations to express surprise etc: Whatever will he say when he hears this?) what
    * * *
    \was macht er beruflich? what's his job?
    \was kann ich dir anbieten? what can I offer you?
    für \was brauchst du es? what do you need it for?
    mit \was beschäftigt Max sich? how does Max occupy his time?
    was \was alles weiß! what a lot Peter knows!
    2. (fam: welch)
    \was für ein(e)... what sort [or kind] of
    \was für ein Auto hat sie?, \was hat sie für ein Auto? what kind of car has she got?
    \was war das für eine Anstrengung! that really was an effort!, what an effort that was!
    \was für ein Glück! what a stroke of luck!
    \was für ein Wahnsinn! what madness!
    \was für ein schöner Garten! what a lovely garden!
    und \was für ein Garten! and what a garden!
    \was für eine sie ist, das weiß ich auch nicht I don't know either what sort of a person she is
    \was ist [o gibt's]? what's up?
    was \was, kommst du mit? well, are you coming?
    \was hast du denn?, \was ist denn [los]? what's the matter?, what's wrong?
    \was denn, du bist schon fertig? what, are you finished already?
    \was denn, du willst doch nicht schon gehen? you're not going already, are you?
    ach \was! oh, come on!, of course not!
    \was lachst du denn so? what are you laughing for?, why are you laughing?
    4. (wie viel) what, how much
    \was kostet das? what [or how much] does that cost?
    5. (wie sehr) how
    \was habe ich gelacht! how I laughed!
    \was ist das doch kompliziert! it's really complicated!
    6. (fam: nicht wahr) isn't it/doesn't it/aren't you
    das ist gut, \was? that's good, isn't it?, not bad, eh? fam
    1. (welches) what
    ich weiß, \was ich tun muss I know what I have to do
    \was mich betrifft, [so]... as far as I'm concerned...
    das, \was that which form, what
    das ist etwas, \was ich nicht tun werde that is something [which] I won't do
    das ist das Beste, \was du tun kannst that's the best thing you can do
    das Einzige, \was ich Ihnen sagen kann, ist, dass er morgen kommt the only thing I can tell you is that he's coming tomorrow
    das Wenige, \was ich besitze, will ich gerne mit dir teilen the little that I possess I will gladly share with you
    sie hat zugestimmt, \was mich gefreut hat he agreed, which pleased me
    es hat auf der Fahrt geregnet, \was mich aber nicht gestört hat it rained during the journey, but that didn't bother me
    3. (fam: wer)
    \was ein ganzer Kerl ist, der stellt sich einem Kampf anyone worth his salt will put up a fight
    4. DIAL (derjenige, diejenige)
    \was unsere Mutter ist, die sagt immer... our mother always says...
    5. DIAL (der, die, das)
    der Peter, \was unser Jüngster ist... Peter, who is our youngest...
    III. pron indef (fam)
    1. (etwas) something; (in Fragen, Verneinungen) anything
    sie hat kaum \was gesagt she hardly said anything [or a thing]
    kann ich dir \was zu trinken anbieten? can I offer you a drink?
    kann ich \was helfen? can I give you a hand?
    das will \was heißen that really means something
    iss nur, es ist \was ganz Leckeres! just eat it, it's something really tasty!
    so \was something like that, such a thing
    so \was könnte dir nicht passieren nothing like that could happen to you
    so \was Ärgerliches/Dummes! how annoying/stupid!
    so \was von Dummheit such stupidity
    [na,] so \was! really?
    nein, so \was! you don't say!
    sie ist so \was wie ne Architektin she's an architect or something of the sort
    2. (irgendetwas) anything
    ist \was? is anything wrong?, is something the matter?
    ob er \was gemerkt hat? I wonder if he noticed anything?
    fällt Ihnen an dem Bild \was auf? does anything strike you about the picture?
    gibt's \was Neues? is there any news?
    haben die \was miteinander? is there something between them?
    aus ihr wird mal \was werden she'll make something of herself
    aus ihm wird nie \was werden he'll never come to anything
    gib Bescheid, wenn ich \was für dich tun kann! let me know when I can do something for you
    3. (fam: Teil einer Menge) some
    ich will auch \was I want some too
    4. DIAL (ein wenig) a little, a bit
    möchtest du noch \was Kaffee? would you like some more coffee?
    sprich bitte \was lauter! could you speak a little louder, please?
    * * *
    A. int pr what (auch umg für
    wie bitte?);
    was für (ein) …? what sort of …?;
    was für Länder kennst du schon? which countries have you already been to?;
    was für eine Farbe hat …? what colo(u)r is …?;
    was ist sein Vater? what does his father do?;
    was willst du werden? what do you want to be?;
    was willst du überhaupt? what do you actually want?;
    was kostet das? how much is it?, what ( oder how much) does it cost?;
    was haben Sie an Wein etc? what have you got in the way of wine etc?;
    was ist denn? umg what’s the matter?, what’s wrong?;
    was noch? what else?;
    was dann? and then what?;
    um was handelt es sich? umg what’s it (all) about?;
    auf was wartest du? umg what are you waiting for?;
    an was denkst du? umg what are you thinking about?;
    muss er lügen? umg why does he have to lie?;
    was weiß ich! umg how should I know?, search me;
    und was nicht alles umg and all that;
    das tut weh, was? umg it hurts, doesn’t it?;
    es zählt das Was, nicht das Wie it doesn’t matter how you do it, just get it done; machen A, nun A 1, sollen2 2 etc
    B. int:
    was, du rauchst nicht mehr? umg what, you don’t smoke any more?;
    was für ein Unsinn/Krach etc! what nonsense etc/what a noise etc;
    was für ein Wetter! what weather!;
    was haben wir gelacht! umg what a laugh we had;
    was ist das doch schwierig this is so hard; ach A 5
    C. rel pr (das was) what; (welches) that, which; den Inhalt des vorhergehenden Satzes aufnehmend: which;
    das war alles, was er mir erzählte that was all (that) he told me;
    alles, was er weiß everything (that) he knows;
    …, was ihn völlig kalt ließ … which left him cold;
    was auch immer whatever (auch am Satzende), no matter what;
    was ihn betrifft as for him, as far as he’s concerned;
    was ich noch sagen wollte … the other thing I wanted to say …
    D. indef pr umg (etwas) something;
    ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst I spy with my little eye;
    weißt du schon was? have you heard anything?;
    ist was? what’s up?, is anything the matter?;
    was Schlechtes/Gutes/noch etc something bad/good/else etc;
    was Neues? any news?, anything new?;
    das ist was anderes that’s different;
    und nun zu ganz was anderem! and now for something completely different!;
    eine Palme oder so was (Ähnliches) a palm tree or something like that ( oder something similar);
    na, so was! besonders iron well I never!;
    was du nicht sagst! you don’t say!;
    hat man so was schon gesehen? have you ever seen anything like it?;
    so was von blöd! stupid or what?, how stupid can you get?;
    das war vielleicht was! that was really something!;
    da war doch was there was something there;
    ich will dir mal was sagen I’ll tell you something; besonders drohend: I’ll tell you what;
    schäm dich was! you ought to be ashamed of yourself; auch so A 7, wissen
    * * *
    whatsoever adj. pron.
    what pron.
    whatever pron.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > was

  • 4 that

    [ðæt,ðət] pron
    1) (thing, person over there) das;
    I don't want this - give me \that ich möchte nicht das - gib' mir das;
    \that's not right - three times five is fifteen not sixteen das stimmt nicht - drei Mal fünf ist fünfzehn, nicht sechzehn;
    who's \that? is \that the girl you're looking for? wer ist das? ist das das Mädchen, das du suchst?;
    \that's his wife over there das da drüben ist seine Frau
    \that was yesterday that we talked on the phone, not last week wir haben gestern, nicht letzte Woche telefoniert!;
    ah, 1985, \that was a good year ah, 1985, das war ein gutes Jahr
    who's \that on the phone? wer spricht?;
    hello, is \that Ben? hallo, ist da Ben?;
    is \that you making all the noise, John? machst du so einen Lärm, John?;
    \that was a difficult problem to resolve dieses Problem war schwierig zu lösen;
    \that's a good idea das ist eine gute Idee
    before \that davor;
    after \that danach;
    like \that derartig;
    we need more people like \that wir brauchen mehr derartige Leute;
    don't talk like \that sprich nicht so ( fam);
    he can't just leave like \that er kann nicht einfach so verschwinden
    5) (form: the one)
    his appearance was \that of an undergrown man er sah aus, als ob er zu klein gewachsen wäre;
    his handwriting is like \that of a child seine Handschrift gleicht der eines Kindes;
    we are often afraid of \that which we cannot understand wir fürchten uns oft vor dem, was wir nicht verstehen
    6) ( with an action) das;
    why did you do \that? warum hast du das gemacht?;
    if you hold it like \that, it will break wenn du das so hältst, wird es kaputtgehen;
    \that's more like it das ist doch gleich schon viel besser!;
    you switch the computer on at the back - \that's it schalte den Computer auf der Rückseite an - ja, so;
    \that will do [or \that's enough] das reicht;
    he gave his mom a kiss and with \that drove off to college er küsste seine Mutter und fuhr dann zum College;
    take \that! für dich!
    \that is [to say] das heißt;
    the hotel is closed during low season, \that is from October to March das Hotel ist in der Nebensaison, also von Oktober bis März, geschlossen
    I heard \that! das habe ich gehört!;
    I just said \that because... ich habe das nur gesagt, weil...;
    it's just a gimmick - \that said, I'd love to do it das ist nur ein Trick - dennoch würde ich es gerne machen;
    the garage still isn't finished - \that's builders for you die Garage ist noch immer nicht fertig - typisch Bauarbeiter!;
    \that's why... deshalb;
    \that's terrible das ist ja furchtbar;
    \that's a pity das ist aber schade
    are you relieved? - oh yes, I am \that bist du erleichtert? - das kannst du [aber] laut sagen
    10) (which, who) der/die/das;
    that's the car [\that] John wants to buy das ist das Auto, das John kaufen möchte;
    I can't find the books [\that] I got from the library ich finde die Bücher nicht, die ich mir von der Bibliothek ausgeliehen habe;
    the baby smiles at anyone \that smiles at her das Baby lächelt alle an, die es anlächeln;
    General Dunstaple married Miss Hughes \that was General Dunstaple heiratete die frühere Miss Hughes
    11) ( when) als;
    the year \that Anna was born das Jahr, in dem Anna geboren wurde
    well, \that's it, we've finished o.k., das war's, wir sind fertig;
    \that's it - I'm not putting up with any more of her rudeness jetzt reicht's! - ich lasse mir ihre Unverschämtheit nicht mehr gefallen;
    she left the room and \that was \that, I never saw her again sie verließ den Raum und das war's, ich sah sie nie wieder;
    I won't agree to it and \that's \that ich stimme dem nicht zu, und damit Schluss;
    \that'll do das wird reichen;
    do you need anything else? - no thanks, \that'll do brauchst du sonst noch etwas? - nein danke, das ist alles
    this and \that dies und das;
    at \that noch dazu;
    she was a thief and a clever one at \that sie war eine Diebin, und eine kluge noch dazu;
    and [all] \that ( fam) und so weiter conj
    1) ( as subject/ as object) dass;
    \that such a wonderful thing could happen,... dass etwas so Wunderbares passieren konnte,...;
    I knew [\that] he'd never get here on time ich wusste, dass er niemals rechtzeitig hier sein würde;
    the fact is [\that] we... Fakt ist, dass wir...
    it was so dark [\that] I couldn't see anything es war so dunkel, dass ich nichts sehen konnte
    let's go over the rules again in order \that... gehen wir die Regeln nochmal[s] durch, damit...
    it's possible [\that] there'll be a vacancy es ist möglich, dass eine Stelle frei wird;
    is it true [\that] she's gone back to teaching? stimmt es, dass sie wieder als Lehrerin arbeitet?
    supposing [\that]... angenommen, dass...;
    considering [\that]... wenn man bedenkt, dass...;
    given \that vorausgesetzt, dass
    6) ( as reason) weil, da [ja];
    not \that I have any objection nicht, dass ich etwas dagegenhätte;
    it's rather \that I'm not well today es ist eher deshalb, weil ich mich heute nicht wohl fühle;
    I'd like to go - it's just \that I don't have any time ich würde ja gern hingehen - ich hab' bloß [einfach] keine Zeit;
    now \that we've bought a house jetzt, wo wir ein Haus gekauft haben;
    we can't increase our production quantities in \that the machines are presently working to full capacity wir können die Produktion nicht hochfahren, da [nämlich] die Maschinen derzeit voll ausgelastet sind;
    except [\that] außer, dass;
    his plan sounds perfect except [\that] I don't want to be involved in such a scheme sein Plan hört sich großartig an, nur will ich mit so einem Vorhaben nichts zu tun haben;
    to the extent \that in dem Maße wie;
    apes are like people to the extent \that they have some human characteristics Affen sind wie Menschen, insofern [als] sie gewisse menschliche Eigenschaften haben
    7) ( however)
    where do you get your hair cut? - not \that it really matters wo lässt du dir die Haare schneiden? - nicht, dass es sonderlich wichtig wäre;
    not \that it's actually my business, but... nicht, dass es mich etwas anginge, aber...
    8) (form, liter dated: expressing a wish)
    oh \that I were young again! wäre ich [doch] nochmal jung!;
    oh \that they would listen! wenn sie [doch] nur zuhören würden! adv
    inv so;
    she's too young to walk \that far sie ist zu jung, um so weit laufen zu können;
    it wasn't [all] \that good so gut war es auch wieder nicht;
    it hurt me \that much I cried es hat mich so verletzt, dass ich weinte

    English-German students dictionary > that

  • 5 War of Restoration

       After the revolution of 1 December 1640, when King João IV of Braganza overthrew Spanish rule and declared Portugal independent, Portugal and Spain fought a war that decided the fate of Portugal. The War of Restoration was fought between Spanish and Portuguese armies, assisted by foreign mercenaries and by Portugal's oldest ally, England. Portugal's 1640 Revolution and the war against Spain to maintain its reclaimed independence were supported as well by France during the 1610-59 period. After 1659, France gave no more assistance to Lisbon and cut off diplomatic relations. Portugal's great friend during this war, which was fought largely near the Luso-Spanish frontier or in Portugal in the flat Alentejo province, with no natural barriers to Spanish invasion, was thus England. This crucial alliance was reestablished in the Anglo-Portuguese treaties of 1642, 1654, and 1661. Various truce and peace treaties, too, were signed with Holland, which was willing to side with Portugal, or at least be neutral, against Spain. Catalonia's prolonged rebellion against Spanish (Castilian) rule during Portugal's struggle played an important role in weakening Spain's effort to recover Portugal. At Ameixial, on 8 June 1663, a decisive battle in the war occurred, resulting in the defeat of the Spanish army and its withdrawal from Portugal. The Luso-Spanish Peace Treaty (1668) concluded the War.
        See also Peace treaty of 1668.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > War of Restoration

  • 6 The Regeneration

       An era of relative economic progress and political stability during the third quarter of the 19th century. The Regeneration followed a period of intense political instability and uncertainty (1807-51), with invasions, wars, and civil wars, and represented the inception of modern economic and industrial development in Portugal. In terms of administrative continuity and governmental stability and accomplishment, the Regeneration was the most hopeful era of the constitutional monarchy (1834-1910). It began in 1851, with a military revolt led by the Duke of Saldanha, one of the conquerors and victors of the Patuleia revolt and civil war (1846-47) and was supported by various groups and factions that desired civic peace, order, and economic improvement.
       Of the Regeneration leaders, Fontes Pereira de Melo became the major personality and mastermind of this era, which witnessed the beginnings of Portugal's main railroad and road system, as well as the initiation of modern industrial and commercial activities. The Regeneration affected the economies of the Lisbon and Oporto regions more than the provinces, but the rural areas also benefited from the changes that came from the new economic activities.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > The Regeneration

  • 7 The Commander Guy

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > The Commander Guy

  • 8 The Decider

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > The Decider

  • 9 The Decider-In-Chief

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > The Decider-In-Chief

  • 10 The Leaker-in-Chief

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > The Leaker-in-Chief

  • 11 The Shrub

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > The Shrub

  • 12 The Velcro President

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > The Velcro President

  • 13 World War II

       In the European phase of the war, neutral Portugal contributed more to the Allied victory than historians have acknowledged. Portugal experienced severe pressures to compromise her neutrality from both the Axis and Allied powers and, on several occasions, there were efforts to force Portugal to enter the war as a belligerent. Several factors lent Portugal importance as a neutral. This was especially the case during the period from the fall of France in June 1940 to the Allied invasion and reconquest of France from June to August 1944.
       In four respects, Portugal became briefly a modest strategic asset for the Allies and a war materiel supplier for both sides: the country's location in the southwesternmost corner of the largely German-occupied European continent; being a transport and communication terminus, observation post for spies, and crossroads between Europe, the Atlantic, the Americas, and Africa; Portugal's strategically located Atlantic islands, the Azores, Madeira, and Cape Verde archipelagos; and having important mines of wolfram or tungsten ore, crucial for the war industry for hardening steel.
       To maintain strict neutrality, the Estado Novo regime dominated by Antônio de Oliveira Salazar performed a delicate balancing act. Lisbon attempted to please and cater to the interests of both sets of belligerents, but only to the extent that the concessions granted would not threaten Portugal's security or its status as a neutral. On at least two occasions, Portugal's neutrality status was threatened. First, Germany briefly considered invading Portugal and Spain during 1940-41. A second occasion came in 1943 and 1944 as Great Britain, backed by the United States, pressured Portugal to grant war-related concessions that threatened Portugal's status of strict neutrality and would possibly bring Portugal into the war on the Allied side. Nazi Germany's plan ("Operation Felix") to invade the Iberian Peninsula from late 1940 into 1941 was never executed, but the Allies occupied and used several air and naval bases in Portugal's Azores Islands.
       The second major crisis for Portugal's neutrality came with increasing Allied pressures for concessions from the summer of 1943 to the summer of 1944. Led by Britain, Portugal's oldest ally, Portugal was pressured to grant access to air and naval bases in the Azores Islands. Such bases were necessary to assist the Allies in winning the Battle of the Atlantic, the naval war in which German U-boats continued to destroy Allied shipping. In October 1943, following tedious negotiations, British forces began to operate such bases and, in November 1944, American forces were allowed to enter the islands. Germany protested and made threats, but there was no German attack.
       Tensions rose again in the spring of 1944, when the Allies demanded that Lisbon cease exporting wolfram to Germany. Salazar grew agitated, considered resigning, and argued that Portugal had made a solemn promise to Germany that wolfram exports would be continued and that Portugal could not break its pledge. The Portuguese ambassador in London concluded that the shipping of wolfram to Germany was "the price of neutrality." Fearing that a still-dangerous Germany could still attack Portugal, Salazar ordered the banning of the mining, sale, and exports of wolfram not only to Germany but to the Allies as of 6 June 1944.
       Portugal did not enter the war as a belligerent, and its forces did not engage in combat, but some Portuguese experienced directly or indirectly the impact of fighting. Off Portugal or near her Atlantic islands, Portuguese naval personnel or commercial fishermen rescued at sea hundreds of victims of U-boat sinkings of Allied shipping in the Atlantic. German U-boats sank four or five Portuguese merchant vessels as well and, in 1944, a U-boat stopped, boarded, searched, and forced the evacuation of a Portuguese ocean liner, the Serpa Pinto, in mid-Atlantic. Filled with refugees, the liner was not sunk but several passengers lost their lives and the U-boat kidnapped two of the ship's passengers, Portuguese Americans of military age, and interned them in a prison camp. As for involvement in a theater of war, hundreds of inhabitants were killed and wounded in remote East Timor, a Portuguese colony near Indonesia, which was invaded, annexed, and ruled by Japanese forces between February 1942 and August 1945. In other incidents, scores of Allied military planes, out of fuel or damaged in air combat, crashed or were forced to land in neutral Portugal. Air personnel who did not survive such crashes were buried in Portuguese cemeteries or in the English Cemetery, Lisbon.
       Portugal's peripheral involvement in largely nonbelligerent aspects of the war accelerated social, economic, and political change in Portugal's urban society. It strengthened political opposition to the dictatorship among intellectual and working classes, and it obliged the regime to bolster political repression. The general economic and financial status of Portugal, too, underwent improvements since creditor Britain, in order to purchase wolfram, foods, and other materials needed during the war, became indebted to Portugal. When Britain repaid this debt after the war, Portugal was able to restore and expand its merchant fleet. Unlike most of Europe, ravaged by the worst war in human history, Portugal did not suffer heavy losses of human life, infrastructure, and property. Unlike even her neighbor Spain, badly shaken by its terrible Civil War (1936-39), Portugal's immediate postwar condition was more favorable, especially in urban areas, although deep-seated poverty remained.
       Portugal experienced other effects, especially during 1939-42, as there was an influx of about a million war refugees, an infestation of foreign spies and other secret agents from 60 secret intelligence services, and the residence of scores of international journalists who came to report the war from Lisbon. There was also the growth of war-related mining (especially wolfram and tin). Portugal's media eagerly reported the war and, by and large, despite government censorship, the Portuguese print media favored the Allied cause. Portugal's standard of living underwent some improvement, although price increases were unpopular.
       The silent invasion of several thousand foreign spies, in addition to the hiring of many Portuguese as informants and spies, had fascinating outcomes. "Spyland" Portugal, especially when Portugal was a key point for communicating with occupied Europe (1940-44), witnessed some unusual events, and spying for foreigners at least briefly became a national industry. Until mid-1944, when Allied forces invaded France, Portugal was the only secure entry point from across the Atlantic to Europe or to the British Isles, as well as the escape hatch for refugees, spies, defectors, and others fleeing occupied Europe or Vichy-controlled Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria. Through Portugal by car, ship, train, or scheduled civil airliner one could travel to and from Spain or to Britain, or one could leave through Portugal, the westernmost continental country of Europe, to seek refuge across the Atlantic in the Americas.
       The wartime Portuguese scene was a colorful melange of illegal activities, including espionage, the black market, war propaganda, gambling, speculation, currency counterfeiting, diamond and wolfram smuggling, prostitution, and the drug and arms trade, and they were conducted by an unusual cast of characters. These included refugees, some of whom were spies, smugglers, diplomats, and business people, many from foreign countries seeking things they could find only in Portugal: information, affordable food, shelter, and security. German agents who contacted Allied sailors in the port of Lisbon sought to corrupt and neutralize these men and, if possible, recruit them as spies, and British intelligence countered this effort. Britain's MI-6 established a new kind of "safe house" to protect such Allied crews from German espionage and venereal disease infection, an approved and controlled house of prostitution in Lisbon's bairro alto district.
       Foreign observers and writers were impressed with the exotic, spy-ridden scene in Lisbon, as well as in Estoril on the Sun Coast (Costa do Sol), west of Lisbon harbor. What they observed appeared in noted autobiographical works and novels, some written during and some after the war. Among notable writers and journalists who visited or resided in wartime Portugal were Hungarian writer and former communist Arthur Koestler, on the run from the Nazi's Gestapo; American radio broadcaster-journalist Eric Sevareid; novelist and Hollywood script-writer Frederick Prokosch; American diplomat George Kennan; Rumanian cultural attache and later scholar of mythology Mircea Eliade; and British naval intelligence officer and novelist-to-be Ian Fleming. Other notable visiting British intelligence officers included novelist Graham Greene; secret Soviet agent in MI-6 and future defector to the Soviet Union Harold "Kim" Philby; and writer Malcolm Muggeridge. French letters were represented by French writer and airman, Antoine Saint-Exupery and French playwright, Jean Giroudoux. Finally, Aquilino Ribeiro, one of Portugal's premier contemporary novelists, wrote about wartime Portugal, including one sensational novel, Volframio, which portrayed the profound impact of the exploitation of the mineral wolfram on Portugal's poor, still backward society.
       In Estoril, Portugal, the idea for the world's most celebrated fictitious spy, James Bond, was probably first conceived by Ian Fleming. Fleming visited Portugal several times after 1939 on Naval Intelligence missions, and later he dreamed up the James Bond character and stories. Background for the early novels in the James Bond series was based in part on people and places Fleming observed in Portugal. A key location in Fleming's first James Bond novel, Casino Royale (1953) is the gambling Casino of Estoril. In addition, one aspect of the main plot, the notion that a spy could invent "secret" intelligence for personal profit, was observed as well by the British novelist and former MI-6 officer, while engaged in operations in wartime Portugal. Greene later used this information in his 1958 spy novel, Our Man in Havana, as he observed enemy agents who fabricated "secrets" for money.
       Thus, Portugal's World War II experiences introduced the country and her people to a host of new peoples, ideas, products, and influences that altered attitudes and quickened the pace of change in this quiet, largely tradition-bound, isolated country. The 1943-45 connections established during the Allied use of air and naval bases in Portugal's Azores Islands were a prelude to Portugal's postwar membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > World War II

  • 14 save that

    за исключением того, что...

    We know nothing about him save that he was in the army during the war. — Мы о нём ничего не знаем за исключением того, что он служил в армии во время войны.

    except 2.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > save that

  • 15 Peter the Great (Pyotr Alekseyevich Romanov)

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 10 June 1672 (30 May 1672 Old Style) Moscow, Russia
    d. 8 February 1725 (28 January 1725 Old Style) St Petersburg, Russia
    Russian Tsar (1682–1725), Emperor of all the Russias (1722–5), founder of the Russian Navy, shipbuilder and scientist; as a shipbuilder he was known by the pseudonym Petr Mikhailov.
    Peter the Great was a man with a single-minded approach to problems and with passionate and lifelong interests in matters scientific, military and above all maritime. The unusual and dominating rule of his vast lands brought about the age of Russian enlightenment, and ensured that his country became one of the most powerful states in Europe.
    Peter's interest in ships and shipbuilding started in his childhood; c. 1687 he had an old English-built day sailing boat repaired and launched, and on it he learned the rudiments of sailing and navigation. This craft (still preserved in St Petersburg) became known as the "Grandfather of the Russian Navy". In the years 1688 to 1693 he established a shipyard on Lake Plestsheev and then began his lifelong study of shipbuilding by visiting and giving encouragement to the industry at Archangelsk on the White Sea and Voronezh in the Sea of Azov. In October 1696, Peter took Azov from the Turks, and the Russian Fleet ever since has regarded that date as their birthday. Setting an example to the young aristocracy, Peter travelled to Western Europe to widen his experience and contacts and also to learn the trade of shipbuilding. He worked in the shipyards of Amsterdam and then at the Naval Base of Deptford on the Thames.
    The war with Sweden concentrated his attention on the Baltic and, to establish a base for trading and for the Navy, the City of St Petersburg was constructed on marshland. The Admiralty was built in the city and many new shipyards in the surrounding countryside, one being the Olonez yard which in 1703 built the frigate Standart, the first for the Baltic Fleet, which Peter himself commanded on its first voyage. The military defence of St Petersburg was effected by the construction of Kronstadt, seawards of the city.
    Throughout his life Peter was involved in ship design and it is estimated that one thousand ships were built during his reign. He introduced the building of standard ship types and also, centuries ahead of its time, the concept of prefabrication, unit assembly and the building of part hulls in different places. Officially he was the designer of the ninety-gun ship Lesnoe of 1718, and this may have influenced him in instituting Rules for Shipbuilders and for Seamen. In 1716 he commanded the joint fleets of the four naval powers: Denmark, Britain, Holland and Russia.
    He established the Marine Academy, organized and encouraged exploration and scientific research, and on his edict the St Petersburg Academy of Science was opened. He was not averse to the recruitment of foreigners to key posts in the nation's service. Peter the Great was a remarkable man, with the unusual quality of being a theorist and an innovator, in addition to the endowments of practicality and common sense.
    Further Reading
    Robert K.Massie, 1981, Peter the Great: His Life and Work, London: Gollancz.
    Henri Troyat, 1979, Pierre le Grand; pub. in English 1988 as Peter the Great, London: Hamish Hamilton (a good all-round biography).
    AK / FMW

    Biographical history of technology > Peter the Great (Pyotr Alekseyevich Romanov)

  • 16 Bush the Younger

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Bush the Younger

  • 17 Commander Guy, The

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Commander Guy, The

  • 18 Decider-In-Chief, The

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Decider-In-Chief, The

  • 19 Decider, The

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Decider, The

  • 20 Leaker-in-Chief, The

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    Bushie — Also used to refer to wife Laura
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as "King George" for his association with the American Revolution. The "II" may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the "first George") or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the "second."
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said "I'm the decider" in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying "My position is clear — I'm the commander guy."
    Resident Bush
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Leaker-in-Chief, The

См. также в других словарях:

  • The War Against the Jews — is a 1975 book authored by Lucy Dawidowicz. The book researches the Holocaust of the European Jewry during World War II. The author contends that Hitler pursued his policies to eliminate Jewish populations throughout Europe even to the detriment… …   Wikipedia

  • The War of the Worlds (radio) — The War of the Worlds was an episode of the American radio drama anthology series Mercury Theatre on the Air . It was performed as a Halloween episode of the series on October 30, 1938 and aired over the WABC Radio network. Directed and narrated… …   Wikipedia

  • The War Amps — is a Canadian organization that helps amputees. It was founded by Army Padre Sidney Lambert and Megan Ward in 1918 as The Amputations Association of The Great War . Lambert lost his leg in action in France during the first World War. The War Amps …   Wikipedia

  • Strategic bombing during World War II — For a list of notable strategic bombings in the European Theatre of World War II, see List of air operations during the Battle of Europe. Main article: Air warfare of World War II Strategic bombing during World War II Part of World War II …   Wikipedia

  • Technological escalation during World War II — was more profound than any other period in human history. More new inventions, certainly as measured by such means as patent applications for dual use technology and weapon contracts issued to private contractors, were deployed to the task of… …   Wikipedia

  • Military history of Italy during World War II — The maximum extent of the Italian Empire pink areas were held for just brief periods of time. History of Italy …   Wikipedia

  • Technology during World War I — The machine gun was one of the decisive technologies during World War I. Picture: British Vickers machine gun crew on the Western Front. Technology during World War I reflected a trend toward industrialism and the application of mass production… …   Wikipedia

  • Sweden during World War II — The policy of Sweden during World War II was to remain neutral. Swedish neutrality had been the policy for more than a century, since the end of the Napoleonic Wars.When hostilities began on 1 September 1939, the fate of Sweden was unclear.… …   Wikipedia

  • Switzerland during the World Wars — During both World War I and World War II, Switzerland managed to keep a stance of armed neutrality, and was not involved militarily. It was, however, precisely because of its neutral status, of considerable interest to all parties involved, as… …   Wikipedia

  • History of Germany during World War II — The flag of the Greater German Reich. This article is about the combat history of Nazi Germany. For other national history through the period (domestic activity, war production, etc.), see Germany in World War II. The history of Germany during… …   Wikipedia

  • The War Game — For the Doctor Who serial, see The War Games. Infobox Film name = The War Game amg id = 1:53327 imdb id = 0059894 writer = Peter Watkins starring = Michael Aspel Peter Graham director = Peter Watkins distributor = BBC released = 1 November 1965… …   Wikipedia

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